Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Ben Hardill USB device


I was following Ben Hardill's instruction on how to turn Raspberry Pi into USB device. This is a great benefit for me since I can then access Raspberry Pi without having to turn my phone into a hotspot. I'm using Chromebook to do it, by the way. VNC works, but slow. SSH works, but not X mode. If I want to use X mode in SSH, I have to use my Raspberry Pi 4. It works there.

I ran into a problem in writing files to root directory. I cannot access it directly, so I had to do something like "sudo nano /boot/usb" or something like that, instead of cd into /root and go from there. Another problem is that Wifi is non functional as USB device. I don't know enough to fix it. Something about sub network? 

Chromebook is good enough, though. I have VNC and SSH programs, and SSH has "Mount SFTP" option, or some other file sharing method, so I can copy files from one computer to another. I have to VNC into the Raspberry Pi first, though, and put SSH file on there. I do it with "sudo touch /boot/ssh" command. Somehow, the file get erased everytime. I probably will have to add it in startup script somewhere to make it permanent.

But it works. VNC is rather slow and jumpy. SSH works fast, though, and I prefer it for doing some heavy duty coding, although graphical projects isn't good to be done via SSH. So, thank you Ben Hardill for writing up the instruction to turn my Raspberry Pi Zero W into a USB device, suitable to turn my Samsung chromebook into a "real" computer! 

In case, you're wondering: Yes, I'm using Raspberry Pi Zero W as my daily coding computer. 

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